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Due Diligence Essentials for Agency Acquisitions

By Andy Day Posted on 12 August, 2024

Marketing Agency Due Diligence

Thinking of acquiring a marketing agency? Smart move. But before you sign on the dotted line, you need to do your homework. Here’s your no-BS checklist for agency acquisition due diligence:

  1. Follow the Money
  • Dive into financial statements
  • Analyze revenue streams and client contracts
  • Check key metrics: gross margins, operating expenses, profitability ratios
  • Uncover any hidden debts or liabilities
  1. Client Deep Dive
  • Assess the client base: contracts, revenue concentration, retention rates
  • Gauge client satisfaction and upsell potential
  • Review revenue projections and sales pipelines
  • Evaluate pricing strategies and billing practices
  1. Talent Check
  • Examine the org structure and roles
  • Review employee contracts and compensation
  • Assess turnover rates and company culture
  • Flag any employment disputes or legal issues
  1. Legal Eagle
  • Review corporate governance docs
  • Scrutinize all contracts and agreements
  • Check compliance with industry regulations and data privacy laws
  • Identify any pending litigation or investigations
  1. IP Inventory
  • Review the agency’s intellectual property portfolio
  • Verify ownership and enforceability of IP rights
  • Check licensing and confidentiality agreements
  • Flag any third-party IP claims
  1. Ops and Tech Audit
  • Evaluate operational processes and systems
  • Assess the agency’s tech stack and digital capabilities
  • Review cybersecurity measures and disaster recovery plans
  • Identify operational bottlenecks or inefficiencies
  1. Brand Check
  • Evaluate marketing strategies and brand positioning
  • Review case studies and client testimonials
  • Assess online presence and digital marketing effectiveness
  • Identify any reputational risks or brand issues
  1. Culture Clash?
  • Assess organizational culture and leadership style
  • Interview key stakeholders and employees
  • Identify potential cultural mismatches
  • Develop an integration plan for smooth transition

The Bottom Line

Due diligence isn’t sexy, but it’s crucial for a successful agency acquisition. This checklist covers the essentials, but don’t go it alone. Bring in the pros – financial analysts, legal counsel, and integration specialists – to ensure you’re making a smart investment.

Ready to take the plunge? Speak with someone at about your next marketing agency acquisition.

By Andy Day Posted on 12 August, 2024